All four lovies about to go terrorize a wedding!
Swimming in their undies. I don't have any pictures, but they also did a lot of jumping on the their undies! Yes, so, maybe my flower-child Everett wasn't the best example of proper dress for everyone else!
Handsome little boys pondering life and drying off!
Everett probably ate his body weight worth of tomatoes fresh from the vine. He's missing them hardcore, and at Trader Joe's last night begged me to buy him a box of heirloom tomatoes to remind him of Pepa's garden. And that's little Kai on the right picking and eating the sweetest little grapes.
A ride on a train (that really was the best picture, sad right?) and the movie Planes.
The train museum--I just love this place!
Candy stores and gun games in Old Sac. Dear T, thank you for the entertainment you provide by looking at pictures of you. But you know what, smiling works too buddy!!!
Listening to a live band at the Farmer's Market.
Gosh, this one melts my heart even though it's not the best picture. These two look and act like siblings and gosh, are they good at annoying the heck out of the other. I not-so-secretly love every second of them!!!
Our Wigginton cousins are a little younger, but the boys love both Lacey and Spencer and I know we have many happy years and memories to look forward to. Spencer's bright blue eyes are addictive and Everett couldn't get enough of that kid. Actually both boys begged to hold him nonstop! I somehow never captured a picture of the boys with Lace, but we love her a ton too!!!
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