Could there be a better way to spend a Friday night? I don't think so. Stanford Vs. Arizona State at the sunken diamond was amazing. These four little monkeys ran and danced and ate and laughed and got into a good amount of trouble!
Comfort and I just realized today that we only have six weeks left together in Stanford and that thought literally makes me sick to my stomach. What am I going to do?
The cutest little fan ever. He is such a good sports baby and just sat and watched the whole game.
Elena was TOTALLY going for her Mama's treat :) And PS--Franklin sat and smiled for this picture which I consider a major victory!
Me and Cedar-girl.
Some of us (me) go to baseball games to sing the national anthem, dance with the music in between plays and to enjoy the 7th inning stretch. Others of us (Kit) actually know what's going on, follow every play and even catch a foul ball.
Our fam at the game. Don't our kids look so excited to be in a picture with us? And Cedar really wanted to be in our picture too so you can see the top of her head. Believe me, I'd count her as one of my own if I could!
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